The rules that define the length of stay in power are central aspects of a democratic regime. These include the term limits, the possibility or not of reelection and the prerogative to dismiss representatives before the end of the term, which in the United States is called recall. This article details a format of recall that seems convenient for Brazil: setting the term limit of mayors, governors and president at 8 years, but holding a recall every 2 years. Thus, the electorate will be able to limit the damages of an incompetent or corrupt ruler, while benefiting from an effective government with a longer term. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal, compared to a longer single term and the current reelection rule.
Title in Portuguese:
Duração de Mandatos, Reeleição e Plebiscito de Destituição
Observation: The paper is published in Portuguese.
de Castro, L. (2021): “Duração de Mandatos, Reeleição e Plebiscito de Destituição” in “Anais do Simpósio Interdisciplinar sobre o Sistema Político Brasileiro”.